What is Kinesiology?
(Pronounced ‘Kin-easy-ology’)
Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing to determine imbalances within the body’s natural energy field. The body’s energy (life force) is arranged into a series of channels (also known as ‘meridians’). The concept is that we can test the flow of energy linked to various organs of the body to determine any imbalances. Long-term imbalances within the body’s energy field can lead to physical disease.
Kinesiology is likely the most holistic therapy available to people at present. It allows us to rectify the body’s energy imbalances through the use of nutritional supplements, massage, releasing stored emotions and correcting the meridian energy flow.
Learn more about Kinesiology here: What is Kinesiology?
What does a Kinesiology treatment involve?
A Kinesiology treatment consists of lying on a therapy couch, fully clothed, whilst allowing the therapist to test the energy flow to a variety of muscles throughout the body. The process is non-invasive, painless, no machinery or equipment is used. The therapist muscle tests by gently using hands-on pressure. The aim of this treatment is to address the root of the health issue, rather than simply covering up the symptoms with over-the-counter medications, or suffering endlessly with chronic health issues.
Conditions commonly worked with...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Acid Reflux
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Food intolerances
'Leaky gut'
Digestive bloating/pain
Chronic fatigue
Joint pain
Poor immunity
Back pain
Long Covid symptoms
Women's health
Hormonal imbalances
Neurological tics
Menopause symptoms
Chronic pain
Why choose Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is unlike any other therapy. Originating from Chiropractic principles, coupled with Eastern medicine concepts, Kinesiology offers a highly unique, truly holistic and tailor-made approach to achieving balanced health for individuals. Here are just some of the highlights...
Totally holistic - explores physical, mental and emotional imbalances.
Food sensitivity testing & Vitamin/mineral deficiency testing capabilities
All-natural, non-invasive & empowering.

Integrative with other therapies & conventional medicine methods.
Chakras & Meridians - Capacity to address energy imbalances
Cuts out the guess work!